2016 Conference Grants

The Gans Collections and Charitable Fund is pleased to announce that it will support student grants for attending three conferences in 2016

  1. International Society of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM) June 29 – July 3 in Washington, DC (USA)
  2. Joint Annual meeting of ASIH, HL, and SSAR (JMIH) July 6 – 10 in New Orleans, Louisiana (USA)
  3. 8th World Congress of Herpetology (WCH) August 15 – 21 Hangzhou, China

The Fund will have a single, unified grant application process. Each applicant may apply for one of the three conferences.


Awards are open to all students regardless of nationalityThe deadline for receipt of applications for all awards was March 15, 2016.

To be eligible, applicants:

  1. Must certify their student status with a separate message from their professor (email to [email protected]);
  2. Must be intending to present papers (oral or poster) at the meeting; and
  3. The paper’s subject area must be within the broad spectrum of research conducted by Professor Gans on the biology of amphibians and reptiles (especially morphology, systematics, faunistics, behavior, physiology, and evolution).

Applicants must provide a paragraph or abstract (no more than 300 words) describing the work to be presented at the meeting, to enable the selection process. Award announcements will be made about April 15, 2016. Both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified after decisions are made.

How To Apply

Selections will be made by the Gans Fund, on the recommendation of its Scientific Advisory Board. A limited number of awards will be made.

Application must be made online on this website using the 2016 Conference Application Form.

Applicants should detail their expected expenses for the meeting including the travel costs; be sure to indicate the amount you are requesting from the Gans Fund and the amounts received (or applied for) from other sources. The award funds will be distributed by the corresponding conference directly to the successful applicants.