Student Grants to Three Conferences for 2016

The Carl Gans Collections and Charitable Fund is pleased to announce that it will support attendance awards to students—both graduate and undergraduate, but not postdoctoral—who are attending any of the following three conferences in 2016:

  1. International Society of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM) June 29 – July 3 in Washington, DC
  2. Joint Annual meeting of ASIH, HL, and SSAR (JMIH) July 6 – 10 in New Orleans, Louisiana
  3. 8th World Congress of Herpetology (WCH) August 15 – 21 Hangzhou, China

The awards are open to all students regardless of nationality who are eligible to register at the specific conference. The deadline for receipt of applications is March 15, 2016. Applications will open in early 2016.

To be eligible, applicants

  1. must certify their student status with a separate message from their professor;
  2. must list the herpetological society or societies to which they belong;
  3. must be intending to present a paper (oral or poster) at the meeting; and
  4. the paper’s subject area must be within the broad spectrum of research conducted by Professor Gans on the biology of amphibians and reptiles (especially morphology, systematics, faunistics, behavior, physiology, and evolution). Applicants must provide a paragraph or abstract (no more than 300 words) describing the work to be presented at the meeting, to enable the selection process.

Award announcements will be made around April 15, 2016, allowing all applicants to know their status before meeting registrations begin.

Selections will be made by the Gans Fund, on the recommendation of its Scientific Advisory Board. The Board consists of: Kraig Adler, Cornell Universi-ty (USA), Aaron Bauer, Villanova University (USA), Amos Bouskila, Ben Gurion University (Israel), Her-bert Rosenberg, University of Calgary (Canada), Linda Trueb, University of Kansas (USA).

En tercer lugar, averigüe de inmediato si la farmacia que ha elegido dispone de los medicamentos necesarios. Esto es importante porque los medicamentos, como los inhaladores, los antisépticos, los analgésicos, los medicamentos para pacientes cardíacos o para la alergia, etc., se necesitan con muy poca antelación. Y correr de una farmacia a otra es simplemente peligroso en estos casos de fuerza mayor. Debe saber de antemano lo que puede necesitar en caso de emergencia. No debe elegir su tratamiento o medicación basándose en artículos y ensayos en Internet y en los consejos de amigos y familiares, sino confiando en su intuición y en sus propios conocimientos.

All applications must be made online on the Gans Fund Grants web page.

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