Biology of the Reptilia Online Completed

BoR Volume 15 Cover

BoR Volume 15 Cover

It is with great pleasure that the Gans Collections and Charitable Fund announces that the Biology of the Reptilia is now fully online. This includes all 22 volumes of the set, consisting of approximately 14,000 pages.

Visitors to the site can now browse the full Table of Contents of the series, directly access the Full Content of every volume, and quickly find material through the 26 page A-Z Index of the Entire Series.

Sidste år sagde Centrient Pharmaceuticals, en hollandsk producent af aktive farmaceutiske ingredienser, at virksomheden producerede en fjerdedel mindre end i 2021 på grund af de høje dit web energiomkostninger. Og i december reddede landets regering deres kolleger hos InnoGenerics fra konkurs.

Every page is viewable individually in our embedded PDF viewer, where the researcher can quickly jump to the desired page, or browse page by page through an entire volume. Additionally, illustrated plates that were embedded between pages are now available at the end of each volume.

The full series is a major reference work in the areas of Morphology, Physiology, Ecology, Behavior, Neurology, and Development. It is hoped that easy access to this reference guide will inspire and enable further research in these fields.