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2017 Conference Grant Application Open

The Gans Collections and Charitable Fund is pleased to announce that it is offering grants to students who are attending two different conferences in 2017. Grants are available for attendees of

  1. The Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (July 12-16, 2017 – Austin, TX)
  2. Evolution 2017 held by the Society for the Study of Evolution (June 23-27, 2017 – Portland, OR)

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Awards are open to all students regardless of nationality. The deadline for receipt of applications is March 1, 2017. Visit for information on applying for these grants.

Students, post-docs, and researchers in the biology, herpetology, morphology, and related fields are encouraged to join the Gans Fund Community to receive early announcements of future grant opportunities.

Attendees are also encouraged to attend the “Natural History and Morphology – Engines of Inspiration” Workshop, sponsored by the Gans Collections and Charitable Fund, to be held at the JMIH conference in Austin, TX.