Biology of the Reptilia: Index H

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H band 3:124

Haasiophis 20:352–353, 367–368, 582, 586–588, 590, 594–595

terrasanctus 20:595

Habenula 17:629, 648


area 18:233

commissure 18:442–443

nucleus 12:226

Habit reversal 7:562

Habitat(s) (see also Life history traits) 5:21, 28, 226, 260, 266, 317–318, 366–371, 373, 378–379, 406, 414, 431, 437, 451, 455, 459, 475, 498

and cutaneous permeability 12:406, 418, 425, 457–467, 469

and scale structure 12:406

-conditioning 18:129

effect of age on 7:147–149

effect of competition on 7:145–147

effect of learning on 7:149

microclimate cues 7:144–145

other factors affecting 7:150–152

physical structure of habitat 7:142–144

selection, definition 7:137–138

specificity, lizards 7:15–16

stimuli for 7:139–142

versus home range selection 7:138

Habituation 7:572–578; 10:291, 298, 312

comparison across groups 7:578

Serpentes 7:576–578

Testudines 7:573–576

Hadrosaur 9:54, 56, 58, 64, 101–103

Hadrosauridae 19:74

dentition 1:187–189


arch(es) 1:225, 268; 21:354

keel 1:284, 290–291, 296

Haemapophysis 1:208, 279–280, 294–297

Haematopoetic tissue 1:312

Haematoxylin 6:226, 264

Haemogregarina, blood cell morphology 3:88

Haemoproteus, blood cell morphology 3:88

Haemotrophic nutrition 15:575

Hageman factor 3:34; 8:523–524

Hainosaurus, eye 2:32

Hair 14:526, 528–529, 531, 538, 571, 587–588

cell(s) 2:204, 210–214, 237, 244, 248, 250, 254, 258, 260, 263; 10:224

Hakaria sokotrana 21:400–401

Haldane effect 19:469


blood chemistry 3:28

ear (see also Virginia) 2:272

Hallux 21:183

Halmi’s fluid 3:251; 6:226

Halocercus, jaw muscles 4:441

Halothane 5:48–51

Hamster 8:505, 633

Handling of blood 5:59, 61

solutions 5:55

specimens 5:26, 37–39, 42, 61, 83

Hapalochlaena 16:307

Haplocercus 16:119, 145; 19:233

ceylonensis 19:206

Haplochromis 16:163

Hapsidophrys 19:231

lineatus 19:206; 20:640

smaragdinus 19:206

Haptodus, eye 2:80

Haptoglobin 3:29

Hard palate (see Secondary palate)

Hardella 16:135

head muscles and visceral skeleton 4:104, 107–108, 112, 126

Harderian gland (Harder’s gland) 2:8, 10–15, 49–51, 63, 67, 74–75; 4:293, 395, 439, 454–455, 459, 464; 5:387, 408, 416–417, 430, 437; 8:3, 50, 67, 95, 111, 113; 11:17, 84, 106, 124, 128–129, 143, 170, 179, 181, 187; 14:433; 17:216; 18:223, 433

disease 14:211

duct of 11:166, 170

Harder’s gland (see Harderian gland)

Harpesaurus 9:339

Harrisonianscincus 21:397

Hassall’s corpuscles 14:620, 625

Hatching 12:30; 14:13, 360–363, 496, 498–499

and moisture levels 15:610

delayed 14:193

factors affecting 14:199–200, 202, 239, 316, 397, 498

failure 14:14, 358

period 15:41–46

thyroid effect on 3:222

Hatchlings (see also Juveniles; Life history traits;

Young) 13:8, 10, 280, 293–294, 300, 303; 15:279, 614

abnormal 14:232

egg weight ratio 14:233–235, 238, 276–277, 350

emergence 14:200, 202

size 14:345, 360, 363, 499

Hatteria punctatus 20:291

Haupthöhle (see Cavum nasi proprium)

Hauptkanal (see Longitudinal canal)

Hauptmuschel (see Concha)

Hauptstück of uriniferous tubule (see Proximal

segment of uriniferous tubule)


bone 1:47

canals 5:191

remodeling 1:47, 56, 60, 64, 71, 73–74

system 1:45–47, 53, 55, 57, 62, 70, 73, 145–146

Hawaii 2:324

Hayem’s fluid 3:94

HCL-toluidine blue 6:255–256, 283

Head 5:41–42, 57, 64, 95, 98, 100, 102, 104, 126, 316, 322, 374, 415, 424, 431

and neck, lymphatics of 6:373–387

-bobbing 18:194, 383, 426

-body temperature differences (see also Regional heterothermy) 5:316–317

-challenge 18:195

fold 14:116, 168, 281, 285–286, 381, 501–502, 505

-heart distance in snakes 13:10

-nodding 18:145–146

of femur 4:55–58, 88, 95

of fibula 4:58

of humerus 4:14, 16–18, 24, 27, 32, 93

of rib (see Capitulum of rib)

of tibia 4:58

process 14:97, 116–117, 137, 172, 287–288

scalation 20:437

-shaking 18:478

Headshields 15:660

Health certificate 5:25

Healing 12:30

Hearing 4:244; 12:30, 43, 168; 19:156–157

Heart (see also Cardiac) 1:254, 271, 275, 282, 293; 2:311; 3:113–115, 202–203, 220, 238, 243, 248; 5:7–8, 29, 57–59, 62–64, 86–87, 93, 192, 198, 200, 275–282, 285, 287, 290, 296, 306, 320, 325–327; 6:317, 322, 326, 328, 331, 353–357, 361, 378, 385–386, 402, 411, 432–433; 8:512; 10:1, 8, 10–11, 14, 19–20, 33, 43, 45; 11:387; 12:237–243, 341; 13:10, 70–72; 19:32, 37, 39, 96, 102, 104, 114, 125, 130–133, 138–139, 143–144, 150, 159, 167, 169, 171, 329, 348, 412, 446, 487, 511

anatomy 19:376–379

asymmetry 19:404, 416

atria 14:401

avian 19:399

beat 19:63

comparative morphology 19:375–416

conducting tissues 19:401–402

cortical muscle layer 19:381–382, 406

crocodilian 5:275, 278, 292, 307

development 14:13, 18, 99, 145, 164, 175, 281, 288, 309, 388, 397–398, 401, 436

dormation 15:13–14

frog 5:307

left-to-right shunting 5:8, 284

lymphatics of 6:444–446

mammalian 5:306

mass 19:376–377

mitochondria 5:168, 206

musculature ridge 19:378, 384, 387, 390, 392, 404, 406–413, 415–416, 427–428, 441, 445, 447, 449–451

position 19:377

pressure development 19:377

puncture 5:239

rate 5:28–30, 37–39, 41, 51, 90, 93, 210, 242, 248, 262, 292, 294, 296–305, 308, 310–312, 321–322; 8:480; 10:13; 12:135, 168, 176, 191–192, 238–240, 242–243; 18:160, 162; 19:435, 449–457, 512

rate-temperature relation 5:297, 299

rhythm (see Cardiac rhythm)

stroke volume 19:446

tissue 5:93, 193

ventricles 14:401, 436


balance equation (see Thermal balance)

capacity 5:32

delayed 11:305

dissipation 5:375

exchange 5:5, 39, 377

flux 5:317

gain 5:189

initial 11:307

labile 11:306

lamps 5:24, 28

loss 5:190, 197, 312, 316, 319; 19:469

maintenance 11:305

of activation 11:304–306

of shortening 11:299, 305, 308–309, 338

production (see also Parental care, shivering

thermogenesis; Thermal balance) 5:82, 129, 159, 191, 196, 318, 370

receptor 9:407, 413, 432–433

recovery 11:305

resistance 5:9, 33

-seeking 12:218

-sensing pits 20:488, 495–496, 509–510, 517

stability 8:165

storage (see Thermal balance)

suppression of metabolism 12:168

tolerance 5:165

tolerant species 5:161

transfer (see Energy exchange)

transport 5:275, 314–315

Hedgehog (see Paraechinus)

Heel 21:182–184, 191

Heidenhain’s haematoxylin 6:226, 246, 272

iron hematoxylin stain 16:355

HeLa cells 8:510

Heliconius 16:183

Helicops 7:501; 8:663; 15:651, 661–662, 671; 16:145–146; 19:227; 20:570

angulatus 19:163, 207; 20:653

carinicaudus 19:163, 166, 207

danieli 19:163, 207

ear 2:272

eye 2:60, 62–63

hagmanni 19:163, 207

leopardinus 19:163, 207

modestus 19:163, 166, 207

pastazae 19:163, 207

petersi 19:163, 207

pictiventris 19:163, 207

polylepis 19:163, 207

scalaris 19:163, 207

schistosus 20:646

trivittatus 19:153, 163, 207

Helicotrema 2:218–219, 228, 231, 234, 236, 242, 246, 248, 250, 255, 257, 259, 261

Heliobolus 16:206–208, 242

lugubris 21:45

Heliothermic species 15:612, 617–618, 623, 630, 641, 671, 676–677, 679

Heliothermy 12:20–21

Helisoma 13:260

Heller and Paul’s Solution 5:60

Helminthophis 19:181, 235; 21:583

flavoterminatus 19:100, 181; 20:378, 598

frontalis 19:181

jaw muscles 4:480

praeocularis 19:181; 21:573

urinogenital system 6:90

Helochelys, shell 1:333

Heloderma 5:260, 264, 337, 342, 347, 491; 7:21, 373, 496; 8:4, 8, 10, 44, 58, 80–84, 146, 152, 163, 165, 234, 371, 438–440, 624, 659–660, 662, 681; 9:337; 10:203, 228; 12:125; 13:34, 137; 14:649; 15:333, 346–347; 16:18, 36, 58, 64, 116, 139, 250; 18:171; 19:29, 32, 34, 38–39, 41, 68, 71; 20:14, 63, 210, 218–220, 223–225, 231, 236–239, 253–255, 262, 269– 270, 273, 302; 21:65, 90, 123, 143–145, 148, 155, 159–160, 170–172, 185, 220, 233–235, 246, 252, 257, 265, 268, 271, 273–276, 278, 281, 288, 337, 339, 347, 350, 352, 357, 361, 368, 375, 384, 391, 602–603, 608

adrenal 3:269, 280, 290–291

axial muscles 11:357

axial skeleton 1:241, 249, 267

blood cell morphology 3:77, 82–85

blood cell numbers 3:96, 104

blood chemistry 3:5, 10, 28, 32, 34, 36, 39, 43

chondrocranium 11:111, 113–114

dentition 1:124, 139–141, 169–171

ear 2:248, 267, 271

eye 2:20, 27–28, 32, 41, 81, 83

histology of gut 6:255, 278

horridum 8:58, 80, 82, 165–166, 438, 663, 681; 19:30, 79, 411, 417; 20:218–219, 222, 302, 309; 21:398

jaw muscles 4:315, 317, 381–383, 416, 418, 479

muscle tissue 11:294, 336

pituitary 3:178

suspectum 8:80–82, 84, 165–166, 234, 371, 438–440, 624, 681; 18:252; 19:30–31, 79, 411, 417; 20:218–219, 302, 309; 21:7, 336, 398

suspectum cinctum 18:171

thymus 3:119, 121, 124

urinogenital system 6:26–27, 49

Helodermatidae 5:172, 423; 7:496; 8:1, 8, 46, 662, 681; 9:335, 338; 12:99, 125, 379; 15:333, 664; 16:36, 116, 132, 139, 245, 257, 294;19:21, 31, 68, 70, 399, 411; 20:56–57, 195–196, 218–219, 222, 224, 232, 235, 261, 266, 269, 271, 309; 21:15, 67, 78, 80, 109, 279, 330, 398

adrenal 3:280

axial muscles 11:357

axial skeleton 1:242, 247, 253, 255, 257, 259–260, 262–263, 269

blood cell morphology 3:77, 81

blood chemistry 3:28, 31

chondrocranium 11:113–114

dentition 1:170

ear 2:240–241, 248–249, 267, 271

eye 2:13, 27

histology of gut 6:229

jaw muscles 4:289, 315, 381–384, 405, 413, 417–418, 479

pituitary 3:136, 145–146, 148–149, 151–152, 154–155, 157, 178, 193–195

taxonomic literature 2:320

thyroid 3:204, 206

Helodermoides 15:394

Helophis 19:225

schoutedeni 19:153, 207

Helveticosaurus, dentition 1:192

Hemachatus 7:227, 504; 8:20, 168, 170, 181, 183–184, 186–188, 198–201, 204–212, 219, 235, 238, 241, 243–245, 250, 262, 267–268, 288, 295–296, 300, 305, 316, 334, 340–341, 345–347, 349, 353–354, 366, 368, 370–371, 443, 448, 469–470, 486, 515, 663; 14:653; 15:652–653, 661, 671, 675–676; 16:24, 39, 41, 55, 131, 148; 19:221; 20:546, 550

chondrocranium 11:162–163, 186

dentition 1:177

ear 2:272

eye 2:121, 136

haemachatus 8:20, 168, 170, 181, 183–184, 186–188, 193, 198, 200–201, 204, 206–212, 218–219, 223, 235, 238, 241, 243–245, 250, 262, 267–268, 288, 295–296, 300, 305, 316, 334, 340, 345–347, 349, 353–354, 366, 368, 370, 443, 448, 469–470, 486, 515, 663; 19:146, 158, 162, 196; 20:536, 544, 624

jaw muscles 4:483

Hemagglutinin 14:638, 645–646, 648, 651–652, 654

Hemalum 6:233, 235, 243–244, 246, 266, 271

Hematocrit 3:38, 52, 99; 5:68, 195, 305; 12:247, 250, 342–343; 13:28–29, 90–91; 19:52, 156–1157, 467

Hematological studies 5:255

Hematology 8:485–500, 666

Hematopoiesis 3:73–74, 224, 226

Hematoxylin 3:141, 144–146, 149–150, 156, 158, 162, 167–168, 170, 173, 175, 179–184, 186, 189–191, 239, 247, 251, 254, 258, 279, 282–283, 285, 287, 291, 299, 301, 327,329; 5:432

Heme 3:39–40

-heme interaction 5:258, 266

Hemiaspis 8:20, 694; 12:132; 13:308, 310; 15:654; 16:150, 482–483, 520; 19:222

damelii (daemelii) 8:20; 19:197; 20:627

signata 8:20, 694; 19:197; 20:627

Hemibungarus 19:104, 221

japonicus (as Calliophis japonicus) 19:114

Hemicentetes 9:156

Hemidactylus 5:31, 389, 454, 456–457, 467, 472, 475; 7:141, 292–295, 370–371, 466–467; 8:681; 9:157, 251, 337; 12:121–122, 370, 462, 464, 471; 14:28, 545, 572, 626, 695, 712; 15:7, 41, 251, 322–323, 326, 328, 341–342, 344, 351–353, 366–369, 372–373, 379–380, 382–384, 415–416, 418, 430, 433, 443, 488, 492, 514, 587; 16:115, 138, 254, 513; 19:24, 29; 20:20, 117, 119, 123–125, 127, 296; 21:132–133, 155, 166, 172, 189, 397

adrenal 3:279

axial muscles 11:357

blood cell morphology 3:88

blood cell numbers 3:96

blood chemistry 3:9

brasilanus 21:397

brooksi 18:309, 317

chondrocranium 11:73–75, 77

dentition 1:128

ear 2:266, 271

epiphyses and sesamoids 1:91, 94, 100–101, 106

eye 2:14, 26, 28, 30, 42, 46

flaviviridis 18:170, 273; 19:377, 408, 417; 20:295; 21:160

frenatus 18:494

giganteus 20:306

histology of gut 6:283

internal relief of gut 6:177, 182–183

jaw muscles 4:478

leschenaulti 19:408, 417

lemurinus 20:306

mabouia 20:306

muscle tissue 11:283, 292, 336

nose 2:119

pancreas 3:321–322

parathyroid 3:255

pituitary 3:167

persicus 21:80, 89

thyroid 3:221, 227

turcica(us) 18:243; 20:124, 295

urinogenital system 6:26, 36, 38, 41, 43, 45–46, 56, 58–59, 63, 68, 71, 82, 86, 89, 91, 98, 100, 105, 116

Hemiergis 12:112, 462; 13:98–99; 15:40, 44, 47, 533, 550, 638, 670; 16:250; 21:397

decresiensis 21:402

initialis 21:400

milkiewae 21:399

peroni(i) 18:30; 21:401–402

quadrilineata 21:400

urinogenital system 6:105

Hemimelia 15:136

Hemipenes 15:210, 238–240, 242, 263, 305, 430, 452–453, 654; 16:355; 18:117–118, 143, 166

Hemipenial papillae 6:444

Hemipenile gland 18:118, 166

Hemipenis 6:107, 113–114, 341, 350, 406, 443– 444; 10:8, 40–41; 14:4; 19:24, 94–95

Hemiphyllodactylus 21:95, 396

eye 2:30

Hemiprotosuchus, skull 4:276

Hemirhagerrhis 15:648, 652; 16:145.; 19:226

kelleri 19:153, 207

mototaenia 19:207

notataenia 20:645

Hemisphaeriodon, axial skeleton 1:270

dentition 1:165–166

Hemitheconyx 16:260; 20:120, 122, 254; 21:396

axial skeleton 1:260

caudicinctus 20:119, 295, 306

eye 2:14, 21, 29

Hemoblasts 3:74

Hemochromatosis 19:501

Hemocyanin 14:649, 654

Hemocytoblasts (see Stem cells)

Hemocytometre 3:94

Hemodilution 3:14


changes 5:385

events 5:322–323

Hemoglobin 3:1, 8–12, 18, 31–32, 38–44, 48–53, 333; 5:183, 195, 251, 253, 255–262, 265– 266; 8:321, 621; 13:24, 30–33, 90–91, 178; 19:52, 317, 323, 333, 335, 345, 377

adult 14:162; 15:562

amino acid sequences 14:331

Bohr effect 15:562

embryonic 14:162

fetal 15:562

oxygen saturation 19:305, 317, 340, 464

Hemoglobinuria 8:381, 440, 508–509

Hemolysin 14:638, 646, 648, 652–654, 662

Hemolysis 3:2, 13, 35, 52; 5:61, 257; 8:257–258, 440–441, 487–488, 498, 527; 19:516

Hemolytic activity 8:91, 176, 189

Hemopoiesis 14:614, 635; 19:535, 544, 550, 561–562, 564, 566–567, 570–578

Hemoroidal vein 6:422

Hemorrhage 8:187, 440, 483, 501, 504–505, 527; 12:246, 251; 19:347

Hemorrhagic factors (see also Hemorrhagin) 8:306

Hemorrhagin 8:94, 189, 306, 313, 374, 499, 501–504, 506–508, 511, 527–528

comparison with proteolytic activities 8:307

incubation 8:308

inhibitors 8:306

molecular weight 8:308

Hemosiderin 19:519

Henderson-Hasselbalch equation 5:239, 344, 346, 348; 19:341

Henle’s loop 6:21–22, 36

Henodus 9:297

dentition 1:192

Henophidia 8:58, 148, 151; 9:161–162; 16:38, 40, 143, 151; 19:103, 149, 151

axial muscles 11:399, 414–431

chondrocranium 11:150, 152, 161, 169–180, 202

eye 2:54, 91

internal relief of gut 6:193, 196, 203

jaw muscles 4:440–448, 468–469

urinogenital system (see also Booidea) 6:30

Henophidian(s) 17:199, 216; 21:567–568, 571, 576

Hensen’s node 14:123

Heosemys sylvatica 18:315

Heparin 3:2, 33; 5:61; 8:494–496, 500–501, 505, 527

Heparinized blood 5:59


diverticulum (see also Liver) 3:321–322

ketohexokinase activity 5:206

lymphatic vessels 6:337, 413, 424–426

malate dehydrogenase 5:209

origin 8:95

parenchyma 6:424, 426, 453, 455

portal system 14:146

portal vein 6:30, 352, 356–357, 426, 453

trunk 6:414, 426

Hepatitis (see also Pathology) 19:517, 519, 521

Hepatozoon, blood cell morphology 3:88

Hephalophis 8:26

Herbaceous annuals 5:170

Herbicides 19:517

Herbivore(s) 5:170, 191, 370, 388, 390, 402, 490–491, 494; 8:144, 611–620, 630, 667

Herbivorous diets 5:392, 405, 437

reptiles 12:347–348, 354, 364–366, 384, 487, 489, 496; 13:290, 295, 297, 301

Herbst corpuscle 9:419

Hereman’s technique 8:351, 363

Hering-Breuer reflex 19:304

Heritability (see G enetics)

Hermaphrodites 15:282, 431, 451, 453

Hermaphroditic features 15:459

Hermaphroditism 6:105–106; 14:455

Herniation, developmental 14:138, 296, 378, 404, 455–456

Herpes (see also Pathology) 19:517

simplex 14:664

Herpetological journals 5:22

Herpetologists 5:19

Herpetology clubs/societies 5:21

Herpetotheres 16:6, 167

Heschleria, dentition 1:153

Hesperornis, chondrocranium 11:246

Hesperosuchus, dentition 1:184

Heteroagglutinins 3:34

Heterochromatin 14:57

Heterochronous development 14:17, 101, 192, 240

Heterochrony 20:38, 42, 45, 365, 590; 21:186, 188

Heterocoelous condyle 20:579

Heterodactylus 15:138; 20:190, 193

imbricatus 20:301

Heterodon 5:38, 51, 347, 491; 7:70, 94, 100, 104, 113, 206, 215, 218, 220, 222, 225–226, 383–384, 393, 501, 577–578; 8:40, 94, 692; 12:128; 13:102, 104–105, 107, 109, 117, 122, 293, 309, 312; 14:665; 15:18, 20, 38, 40, 54–55, 119, 123, 125, 128–129, 131–132, 146, 286, 483, 519; 18:161; 19:136, 207, 228; 20:363, 365, 457, 495, 552, 554, 559, 565, 573, 578; 21:524, 542

axial muscles 11:357, 399

blood cell numbers 3:97–98

blood chemistry 3:5, 10, 51

contortrix 20:654

dentition 1:177, 182

ear 2:272

eye 2:56, 58–61

internal relief of gut 6:193, 196–197, 201, 208, 211

jaw muscles 4:481

nasicus 8:40; 18:161; 19:127, 207; 20:654; 21:524

nose 2:121–123, 126, 135

platirhinos (“platyrhinos”) 8:40, 94, 692; 18:162; 19:99, 120, 127, 132–133, 141, 158, 166, 207; 20:553, 564, 654

simus 19:207; 20:654

Heterodontini 19:166, 228

Heterodontosaurus, dentition 1:189

Heterodonty 1:124, 164, 170, 191, 193; 20:40

Heterogametic sex 15:275

Heterohemagglutinins 8:371–372

Heteroliodon 19:220; 20:581

occipitalis 19:207; 20:640

Heteronotia 7:51, 99, 293–294, 467; 8:681; 12:120–122, 124, 460; 13:309, 311; 15:416, 418; 16:464–465, 474, 513; 21:397

binoei 1:162; 3:76, 84–85; 20:306

blood cell morphology 3:76, 84–85

dentition 1:162

ear 2:266, 271

Heterophils 3:86, 102, 104–105, 107

Heteropholis 12:123–124; 15:328, 629; 16:249, 259

Heterosexuality 6:49, 105

Heterosis 15:469

Heterosynaptic retina 2:91

Heterothermic mammals 5:6

Heterothermy 12:22, 169

Heterotypical sexual behavior 18:81, 85

Heterozygosity and parthenogenesis 15:497–498

Heurnia 19:101

Hexagonally packed teeth 1:187–188

Hexamethonium 8:463, 654

Hexanchus cornius 19:562

Hexane 18:154–155

Hexokinase 5:201, 320; 13:16

Hexose 3:33

Hibernacula (see also Hibernation sites) 18:125– 126, 130, 134–137, 140–141, 181, 194

location 18:426, 479

spring emergence 18:157

Hibernating individuals 5:160, 390

Hibernation 3:14, 17, 21, 25–26, 33, 99, 105, 107, 162–163, 213, 216–219, 311; 5:169, 319, 360, 366; 6:59, 61, 63–65, 71–74, 76–77, 104–105, 117–118; 8:639; 12 :7, 135, 251, 254–258, 341, 343, 350–353; 13:13–14, 39, 53–140, 234, 255; 14:43, 64, 66–67, 69, 206, 613, 638; 15:49, 431, 450, 609; 16:210, 250, 339, 345, 357–358, 397, 582–583; 18:134–135, 139, 145, 149, 181, 192, 235, 251, 280, 363, 375, 483; 19:298, 300, 349, 376, 486, 493, 495, 497–499, 503, 511–512, 514, 524

activity of hibernating reptiles 13:78, 83, 88, 96–97, 108, 116–124

and reproduction 13:61, 78, 97–102, 121–124, 131–132

communal hibernation 13:60–61, 107–108, 113, 116, 122–127, 129–134

definition 13:55–56

duration 13:57–59

ecological aspects 13:102–134

emergence 13:95–97, 120, 122–124, 135

energetics 13:60, 67–83

entry 13:61–67, 116–119

evolution 13:134–136

ions 13:84–88

sites 13:59–61, 102–109

fidelity to sites 13:106, 114–116

movements to and from 13:110–114, 132

oxygen 13:60, 72–73

structure 13:106–108

temperature 13:59–60, 70, 103–105

water 13:60, 72–73

underwater 13:81–82, 85, 102–105

water content of hibernating reptiles 13:82– 88, 90–91, 94

Zeitgebers 13:61–65

Hibernators 11:288

facultative 5:169

obligatory 5:169

Hide-box 5:23

Hiding 5:319


altitude 5:193, 195–196, 255; 19:302

impedance differential input 5:91

temperature 13:207–209, 211, 213–214, 219, 221, 298

Hill coefficient 13:33

Hillarp and Hökfelt’s method 3:302–304

Hill’s equation 11:299, 303

Hind-mandible 21:608

Hind-maxilla 21:556–557

Hind-tongue 21:546

Hindbrain (see also Rhombencephalon) 9:44, 122–123, 135; 11:146; 14:398, 400, 403, 432, 506, 508, 513–514

Hindgut (see also Intestine) 14:174, 309, 400, 438–439

embryonic 15:536

Hindlimb development 14:159, 176, 399–404, 448

length 21:49

Hinge region 18:151

region receptor 9:417

Hinged shell 1:329–330, 336

Hinging of teeth 20:480


äussere Riechmuschel (see Postconcha)

laterale Nebenhöhle (see Posterolateral recess)

Muschel (see Postconcha; Posterior concha)

Nasengang (see Nasopharyngeal duct)

Hip 21:19, 39, 46, 49, 157

-sway (see also Sexual behavior) 18:174

Hippocampus 10:260, 308, 327; 12:234; 17:610; 18:97

Hispaniola 2:322

Histamine 6:256, 270; 8:473–474, 483, 500, 507, 519–522, 525, 598–599, 601–602, 604–605; 10:26; 12:240, 243–244, 247; 15:591

Histidine 3:23, 25, 40–42; 5:360; 8:614, 616; 19:343–345

residues 5:11

Histiocytes 2:282

Histiotrophic nutrition 15:564, 575, 594

Histo-anatomy 19:534

Histochemical 19:453, 491, 499, 501, 506

evidence 5:307

reactions 8:343, 361

Histochemistry 5:423; 8:1, 45, 189; 10:330–331; 18:116, 151, 153, 191–192, 199

Histocompatibility 14:641; 15:433

alleles 15:433

antigens 14:640

complex 14:641

genes 14:643

Histofluorescence 10:247, 249, 263

Histogenesis 19:542

Histology(ical) 18:116, 118, 124, 166, 169, 176, 186, 191–192, 199; 19:111–113, 121, 392, 401–402, 407, 412, 493, 501, 503, 539–540, 547, 549– 550, 554–557, 562–567, 571–572, 577

stains 16:355, 357

techniques 14:11

Histone(s) 6:111; 19:503

Histopathology 8:507–509

Hoburogecko 20:117

suchanovi 20:295

Hodenausführgang (see Vas efferens)

Hofmeyeria 9:299

Höhle in der Postconcha (see Postconchal cavity)

Holarchus 7:501

Holaspis 9:339; 12:111; 15:343; 16:35, 140, 249; 20:170

dentition 1:167

eye 2:27, 31

Holbrookia 5:192; 12:101, 359, 362; 13:129, 311; 16:49, 116, 139, 211, 258, 464–465, 514; 18:382; 20:80, 84–86, 88–89, 91, 292

chondrocranium 11:86, 91

(Cophosaurus, in part) 7:187, 189, 246, 274, 310, 368, 408–409, 414, 425, 451, 453, 478

dentition 1:155–156

ear 2:221, 223–224, 238, 265, 270

epiphyses and sesamoids 1:95

eye 2:26, 28, 30–31

lacerata 18:362

maculata 18:362; 20:292, 305

nose 2:128

propinqua 18:37, 257, 356–357, 359–360, 362–364, 366–369, 372–382, 398–399

texana 20:292

urinogenital system 6:24, 26, 38, 89, 100

Holland 2:322

Holocephalii 19:562

Holocephalous rib (see Unicipital rib)

Holocrine 18:118, 192

secretion(s) 6:296; 8:68, 130–131; 18:165–166, 173, 191–192, 200

Holodactylus, eye 2:14, 29

Hologerrhum, ear 2:272; 19:233

philippinum 19:207; 20:640

Holonephros 6:3–4

Holostean 17:208

Holostei 19:563, 565–566

Homalodonty (see Homodonty)

Homalocephalus heterurus 20:642

Homalophis 15:45; 16:232, 519

blood chemistry 3:6

ear 2:269, 272

urinogenital system 6:30, 105

Homalopsidae jaw muscles 4:441, 481

Homalopsinae 8:87; 13:2, 5; 19:100, 131, 133–134, 137, 146, 149, 171, 228; 20:551, 554–555, 561, 570, 574, 576, 579–582, 630; 21:577, 587, 592

axial skeleton 1:286, 290, 297

eye 2:92

Homalopsis 8:663; 13:205; 19:33, 81, 207, 228; 20:576, 579–580

axial muscles 11:399

buccata 19:115, 163, 207; 20:631

jaw muscles 4:481

nose 2:121

Homalosoma (see Duberria)

Homarus, muscle tissue 11:291

Home range 12:302

correlated with body size 7:269, 279–281, 290


definition of 7:267

effect of visual orientation 7:273, 275–276, 313

evidence for 7:267

examples of 7:269–270, 272, 275–276, 279–281, 285–286, 291, 297, 302

factors affecting 7:312–314

function 7:309–312

use of color change 7:315–316

use of display 7:315–316

measurement 7:268–269

overlap 7:269–270

sizes among lizards 7:284

Homeobox (Hox) genes 21:26

Homeosaurus 15:339, 367

Homeostasis 5:128, 161, 209, 225, 238, 429, 436; 14:3, 14, 530; 19:463, 497

Homeostatic control 3:1, 235

state 5:353

tendencies 5:29

Homeotherms 5:11, 13–14, 128, 138, 158–159, 169, 183, 190–191, 206, 338, 358, 375

Homeothermy 5:5, 13–14, 128, 159, 191, 208; 11:265; 12:4, 21–22, 169–170; 14:20; 19:512

Homing behavior 18:197, 494

celestial orientation 18:269

cues 18:253, 268–269

Homo (see also Human; Mammal) 7:600–601, 635; 21:68

blood chemistry 3:13, 27–28, 31–32, 35, 40–41, 43–45

chondrocranium 11:190

dentition 1:125

muscle tissue 11:280, 291–292, 294

pancreas 3:328–329, 332–333, 338

pit organs 2:278, 285, 294

sapiens 14:7; 19:43, 59, 310, 345, 486–487, 489, 491, 493, 496–498, 501, 507, 512, 514, 516, 521, 524, 534, 538–539, 541, 543–544, 570

thymus 3:119, 126, 129

urinogenital system 6:3, 21, 36

Homodonty 1:124, 150–151, 154, 161, 163, 176, 179, 181–182, 184–185, 187, 190–191, 193

Homoeosaurus, axial skeleton 1:234

Homografts 15:432

Homolog 10:288, 327

Homology 18:8; 19:37, 383–386, 540, 542, 547, 571; 20:362, 408, 420, 440, 551, 583; 21:192–194, 196–197, 199, 201

of muscles 11:356, 389, 423–427

Homonota 12:67, 89, 141; 20:45, 296

eye 2:26

jaw muscles 4:478

Homopholis 16:115, 138; 21:397

Homoplasy 20:551

Homopus 7:462; 12:137; 14:80, 183; 16:392, 400, 438

blood cell numbers 3:103

epiphyses and sesamoids 1:84

head muscles and visceral skeleton 4:154

Homoroselaps 8:20; 16:146; 19:196, 221; 20:522, 531, 534, 548; 21:553, 580

dorsalis 19:196

lacteus 19:196; 20:533, 624

Homothermy (see Endothermy)

Homotypy (see Mimicry)

Hood 1:299

Hook bundle of Russell 17:536, 546, 551–552, 560

Hooked beak (see Beak)

Hooked fifth metatarsal 21:181–182

Hooke’s constant 11:302

Hoplocephalus 8:20; 15:654; 16:233; 19:222

bitorquatus 8:20; 19:152, 166, 197

bungaroides 8:20; 19:152, 162, 197; 20:627

ear 2:272

stephensi 8:21; 19:197

Hoplocercidae 12:12

Hoplocercinae 20:79, 82, 84, 86–87, 89–90, 305

Hoplocercus 7:478; 15:329; 16 :256

axial skeleton 1:269

ear 2:271

Hoplodactylus 7:69, 304, 467; 8:55, 681; 12:121–122, 124, 135; 13:72, 95; 15:41, 328, 532, 535, 540–543, 548, 550, 560, 563, 629; 16:50, 55, 138; 20:125, 306; 21:148, 397

adrenal 3:279

chondrocranium 11:73, 75

dentition 1:148–149, 162

duvaucelli 20:306

ear 2:271

eye 2:45

histology of gut 6:296

maculatus 21:208

muscle tissue 11:283, 336

nose 2:119, 124

pituitary 3:141, 152

urinogenital system 6:85, 87, 96, 98–99

Hoplurus 9:157


cells 2:33, 35, 38, 61, 72; 8:125

lamina of nasal 20:397–398, 402, 420, 446, 450, 454, 476, 499, 522, 524, 558, 560

lamina of vomer 20:424

semicircular canal 20:31, 34, 72, 203, 244

septum 11:355–356

tube volumeter 5:72


balances 5:36

changes 5:36

controls 5:175

effects 5:129

effects on metabolism 5:198

induction of oviposition 14:183, 213, 215, 281, 572, 579, 584

influence 5:35

mediation 5:429

regulation 5:479

Hormone(s) 3:32–33, 219, 222; 5:391, 430, 461, 465, 471, 476, 480; 12:38; 19:354

adrenal 19:516

and reproductive cycle 14:278, 317, 343

and skin shedding 14:543, 545, 548

and tail regeneration 15:351

estradiol 19:515

metablism 19:516

pituitary growth 19:516

progesterone 19:516

transporting 19:515

Hormonotus 19:224; 20:561

modestus 19:207; 20:633; 21:586, 606


dorsal 10:63, 68, 72, 74, 77, 84, 94–95, 100–101, 111, 123, 168

ventral 10:68, 84, 94, 111, 119, 122, 206, 210

Horny beak 4:108

bill (see Beak)

shields (see Epidermal shields)

Horseradish peroxidase 10:77, 93, 194, 264, 272, 274, 277, 316, 332; 17:176; 18:442, 444

Horses 8:257, 356, 486, 561, 566–567, 631–633

in antivenin production 8:564

radish peroxidase 8:480

Hot wire manometry 19:338

Hourglass-shaped centrum (see Amphicoely)

Housing 5:22

Howesia, dentition 1:153

Howship’s lacunae 1:46

Hoyalacerta 20:280, 287

Huehuecuetzpalli 20:281; 21:82, 90, 97

mixtecus 20:291; 21:67, 111, 172

Human 5:11, 27, 230, 245, 250, 335; 8:486–487

blood 5:250, 252–253

disease 5:27

hemoglobin 5:258, 266

lungs 5:248

odor 5:42

presence 5:42

Humane treatment of animals 5:43

Humboldt penguin 5:421


condyles 21:100–101, 103–104, 112, 283

crest 21:100–101, 105

entepicondylar foramen 21:10

long axis rotation 21:58

protraction 21:244

retraction 21:244

shield 1:315

torsion 21:58

Humero-antebrachial muscle 6:389

Humeroradialis 21:212

Humerus 1:85–88,91, 95–96, 101, 103–105; 4:5, 8, 11, 14, 16–18, 23–24, 26–28, 30–32, 34–36, 39, 41, 46–47, 51, 55–56, 92–94; 6:391; 19:75; 21:19–20, 30, 33, 38–41, 44, 58–59, 62, 71, 82, 84, 98, 100–105, 110–116, 124, 131–132, 135–136, 147, 242–252, 254–256, 258–262, 264, 267– 270, 272–276, 280–282, 284, 286, 293, 300, 303–304, 348

development 15:14, 77

modification 15:86

ossification 14:313

reduction 15:122

rudiment 15:110

Humid environments 5:365

Humidification of chamber air 5:73

Humidity 5:23–24, 27, 102, 104, 371, 397, 456; 18:126, 136

test kits 5:104

transducer 5:104

Huxley’s foramen 11:118, 120, 124, 239

H-Y antigen(s) 15:274–278, 286; 16:553

Hyaena 16:6, 162


cartilage 1:92, 97–98, 108; 4:154

halo 1:99–100

necrosis 8:508

septum 15:326

Hyalochrome cells 3:304


artery 2:5, 40–41, 52–53

canal 14:133

circulation 2:4–6, 51, 53; 14:132

vein 2:53

Hyaloplasm 3:87, 289

Hyaluronic acid 14:459

Hyaluronidase 8:165, 176, 246–248, 362, 506, 528

Hybrid index 15:469, 474, 477

Hybridization 18:150, 182

and parthenogenesis 15:414–415, 437–441, 459–477, 492–494, 513

artificial 15:472

in plants 15:495

interspecific 15:433, 474

natural 15:472

Hybridogenesis 15:414, 478


cranial size 15:466

diploid 15:416–417

tetraploid 15:460

triploid 15:416–417

Hydrablabes 19:233

periops 19:207

Hydraethiops 19:233

laevis 19:207

melanogaster 19:207

Hydraethiopsini 19:133, 233

Hydraspis, head muscles and visceral skeleton 4:157, 160

Hydration (see also Water balance of eggs and

embryos) 5:413, 450–452, 455, 457, 459, 466–468, 472, 475–476, 478

of the epidermis 12:422–423, 433–434, 452–453

state 12:326, 341–349, 370


conductivity 19:347

pressure 19:436

Hydrelapini 19:223

Hydrelaps 8:26–27; 19:134, 223

darwiniensis 8:26–27; 19:198

jaw muscles 4:483

Hydric environment 12:293

Hydrocarbons 18:154, 169–171, 203

Hydrocephalus 14:452, 456; 15:136

Hydrochloric acid 3:17; 5:11, 495; 6:263, 269, 279, 301; 8:592, 602, 666

Hydrocortisone 3:23

Hydrocycortisone 14:456

Hydrodynamic drag 21:55

Hydrodynastes 8:40; 16:146, 231; 19:156, 227

bicinctus 19:150, 207

gigas 19:150, 153, 207; 20:654

Hydrogen 3:17–18; 5:28, 374

ion concentration (see pH)

ion concentration test 8:579

ion regulation 5:58

ion secretion 5:478–479, 481, 496

ion transport 5:55, 480

Hydrolagus, pancreas 3:331

Hydrolase 6:230, 252

Hydrolysis of thyroglobulin 3:202

Hydromedusa, axial skeleton 1:210–211

head muscles and visceral skeleton 4:105, 108, 110, 112, 125, 154, 160, 163

limbs 4:3, 26–27, 34, 48–50, 75

shell 1:329

Hydromorphus 19:150, 229

concolor 19:207

Hydropheinae 21:575

Hydrophiidae 5:150, 227, 232, 421, 431, 438; 7:9, 394, 506; 8:3, 8, 59, 105, 151, 356, 441, 664, 695; 12:126, 133–134, 142, 332, 345, 359, 379, 428; 13:2, 24; 15:46, 533; 16:164–165, 203–204, 455, 521; 18:100, 103, 116, 125, 127, 130–134, 137, 139, 145–146, 149–152, 154, 156, 158, 164, 170–171, 197, 222–223, 416; 21:497

adrenal 3:281

axial muscles 11:357, 403, 413, 431

axial skeleton 1:286–287

blood cell morphology 3:78

blood chemistry 3:51

chondrocranium 11:162–164

dentition 1:173, 183

ear 2:253, 255, 269–270, 272

eye 2:62, 83

nose 2:121, 154, 174, 176, 179

pit organs 2:295

pituitary 3:136, 145–146, 149, 151–154, 157, 185, 192–195

taxonomic literature 2:319

Hydrophiinae 8:3, 8, 59, 105, 151, 356, 441, 664, 695; 19:100, 223; 20:518, 534, 536, 538, 541–546, 550, 625; 21:579, 587, 592

axial skeleton 1:207, 290, 297

internal relief of gut 6:193

jaw muscles 4:423, 440, 448–457

urinogenital system (see also Hydrophiidae) 6:97

Hydrophis 5:421, 431–432, 434, 436; 8:23, 26–29, 69, 198–199, 219, 326, 334, 356–358, 370, 442, 455, 664, 695; 12:378, 383, 425–426, 432; 13:16, 26–28, 34; 15:533, 546–547, 553, 560; 16:150; 19:198, 223, 300, 416, 418; 20:542–544; 21:584, 586

atriceps 20:627

belcheri 8:27, 442

bicolor 20:629

bituberculatus 8:27; 20:627

brevis 20:628

brookei 8:27

caerulescens 8:27; 19:198; 20:627

cantoris 8:27; 20:538, 544, 627

cyanocinctus 8:28, 198, 218, 326, 334, 356–358, 370, 442, 455, 664, 695; 19:112, 132, 137, 198; 20:627

ear 2:269–270, 272

elegans 8:28, 442; 19:107, 132, 198, 351, 356

fasciatus 8:28, 442; 20:627–628

gracilis 8:28; 20:544, 628

group 21:571

inornatus 8:28

internal relief of gut 6:193–195, 197, 200–201, 207–208

jaw muscles 4:483

kingi 20:626

klossi 8:28, 442; 20:628

lapemoides 8:28

major 20:626

mamillaris 8:28; 20:538, 628

mcdowelli 20:628

melanocephalus 8:28; 18:438; 19:107, 198; 20:628

melanosoma 8:28, 442; 19:198; 20:628

nigrocinctus 8:28; 20:628

nose 2:121, 156, 174

obscurus 8:28; 20:630

ornatus 8:28, 69, 73, 442; 19:198; 20:628

pacificus 8:28

parviceps 8:28

pelamidoides 20:628

pit organs 2:295

propinquus 20:628

rappii 20:628

schistosa 20:627

semperi 8:28; 19:107, 198

spiralis 8:28, 356–357, 370, 442; 19:198; 20:628

stricticollis 8:28

torquatus 8:28

triangularis 20:654

“trigonocephalus” 19:198

urinogenital system 6:89, 98–99

Hydropic degeneration 19:517

Hydrops 16:231; 19:227

martii 19:207

triangularis 19:207

Hydropsini 19:227

Hydroregulation 18:300, 302, 391–392

Hydrosaurus 7:488; 9:14; 13:2, 4; 14:665; 15:343; 16:29, 51, 59, 137; 20:97, 101, 103; 21:56, 352, 357, 361, 396

amboinensis 20:102, 294, 305

jaw muscles 4:477

pustulosus 21:7, 190

urinogenital system 6:26

Hydrostatic organ 19:66, 137, 155

osmotic pressure 3:29

pressure 5:9, 233–234, 276, 459, 461; 13:6–10, 18, 25–30; 19:348, 352, 378

Hydrotherosaurus 9:297

α-Hydroxbutyrate dehydrogenase 5:202 3-Hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase 15:201

Hydroxyapatite 14:211

β-Hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase 6:231, 241, 249, 254, 268–269, 280, 284, 296

Hydroxybutyric dehydrogenase 8:509

Hydroxydehydrogenase 6:74

Hydroxydione sodium 5:44 5-Hydroxydopa 9:352, 357

Hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase (HIOMT) 9:373–374; 18:234–236, 239 21-Hydroxylase 6:84 17-Hydroxypregnenolone 15:579 17-Hydroxyprogesterone 15:579 17α-Hydroxyprogesterone 6:80 17α-Hydroxypregnenelone 6:80

χ5–3-β-Hydroxysterido-dehydrogenase 3:267, 296, 298

Δ5–3-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 6:37, 102 3β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 6:76, 83 17β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 6:37 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) (see also Serotonin) 6:256; 8:507; 9:370, 372–373, 375–376; 12:235–236; 15:591

Hydrus, thymus 3:114

Hygrometer 5:372

Hyla 13:180

Hylobittacus 16:160

Hylonomus 9:296

origin and evolution 1:15–16, 20, 27

Hyloplesion, origin and evolution 1:20

Hymenoptera 8:7


effect of temperature on sex 15:281

urinogenital system 6:3

Hyobranchial apparatus 11:4, 9–10, 35–36, 40, 42, 57–58, 70, 79, 83, 85–86, 90–91, 107, 110, 115, 117, 123, 132–134, 136, 138, 149–150, 159–160, 168, 170, 174, 178, 180, 183, 193, 196, 198, 200, 204–205, 210, 215–216, 226–228, 239–241, 369

Hyobranchial skeleton 20:12

Hyoid 19:96, 119; 20:585

apparatus (see also Hyobranchial apparatus) 4:21, 152–163, 166, 169–170, 172–173, 175, 179, 181, 184–186, 188–191, 202, 251, 288, 310, 426–427, 430, 446–447; 6:382, 407, 409–410; 18:333, 335, 343; 21:217, 234, 240

arch 2:198; 11:30–31, 34–35, 45, 134, 147, 183, 198–199, 222; 14:136–137, 288; 15:14; 20:12, 22

body 11:24, 36, 40, 42, 46, 90, 110, 134, 136–138, 149, 160, 170, 174, 183, 196, 198, 211–212, 214–216, 226, 231, 233, 239–241

cartilage 14:427

horn 11:36, 42, 118, 134, 136, 141, 149–150, 174, 178, 183, 204

Hyolaryngeal apparatus 4:152–193

Hyolingual movements 20:587

Hyomandibular 1:25, 30; 11:134, 239

branch of facial nerve 11:32, 35, 68–69, 79, 112, 124, 148, 160, 185, 237, 243

cartilages 20:12

cleft 14:509

ramus 21:495

ramus of facial nerve 21: 488, 495, 535

Hyoplastron 1:320, 330–331, 333; 3:203; 14:313

Hyoscine 5:307; 10:15, 21, 24, 27, 29

Hyostapes 4:251; 11:35, 149

Hypantrum 1:207

Hypapophyseal length (see Intracolumnar

variation in hypapophyseal length)

Hypapophyses 20:585–586

Hypapophysis 1:208, 227–228, 230–231, 236, 244, 247, 254–259, 268, 273–275, 282, 284, 286, 288, 290–291, 293–294, 296–297, 299, 302; 6:454–455; 11:28, 375, 379, 387, 394, 410–411, 413, 421, 432

Hypaxial musculature 1:202–203, 208, 282; 11:355–356, 358, 360–361, 366–368, 370–372, 375, 378–380, 383–389, 391–394, 407–417, 421–423, 426–430, 432; 21:61

muscles 14:435

nerve 11:360–361, 363, 367, 392–394, 402, 408–410, 412, 422

Hyperacrodonty 1:153

Hyperbilirubinemia 19:515–516

Hypercalcemia 3:259

Hypercalciuria 3:259; 5:483

Hypercapnia 19:301–306, 310–312, 314–319, 321–322, 341, 455, 461–462

Hypercoagulability 8:484

Hypercomplementemia 8:497

Hypercontractility 11:293

Hyperemia 3:213

Hyperglycemia 3:20, 22–23; 8:518; 13:79–81, 96

Hyperhydration 5:370

Hyperimmunization 8:356, 564–565

Hyperirritability 8:449

Hyperkalemia 12:341

Hyperkeratosis 3:221

Hypermorphosis 20:38

Hypernatremia 3:15; 5:398; 12:254, 341, 346–349, 359, 366, 385

Hyperodapedon 9:297


diet 5:405

fluid 5:469, 472–473

salt load 5:455–457

solution 5:385, 387, 396, 408, 414, 436, 451

transport 5:472–473

urine 5:10, 383, 385, 401, 415, 460

Hyperostosis 20:554

Hyperoxia 19:303, 305, 316, 320, 330, 346

Hyperphalangia 15:129

Hyperphalangy 4:21, 60, 92, 94, 96; 21:135

Hyperphosphaturia 3:243, 259; 5:483

Hyperpigmentation 18:317


chorionic 14:552

epidermal 14:565

of adenohypophyseal cells 3:155

of vestibular epithelium 2:129

Hyperstreptostyly 20:49, 53–55, 58, 76, 81, 94, 100, 106, 112, 115, 168, 176, 286, 288

Hyperstriatum 10:314–315

ventrale 17:647

Hyperthermia 12:170–171, 350

Hypertrophied cartilage 1:82–86, 88–89, 91–92, 97–98

Hypertrophy 20:461

of intermediate lobe 3:169, 171, 173, 192, 194, 196

Hyperventilation 5:230, 239–240, 304, 353; 19:340, 471

Hypnale (see also Agkistrodon) 8:37; 15:655; 16:152; 19:219

hypnale 8:37; 18:324; 19:142, 152, 192; 20:615

nepa 8:37; 19:192; 20:615

walli 8:37

Hypnea cervicornis 5:392

Hypoblast 14:46, 50, 112–113, 501, 505

formation 15:19–22

Hypobranchial 11:110

longitudinal muscles (see Hypobranchial

spinal muscles)

muscles 4:21

spinal muscles (see also Cornu branchiale II;

Corpus hyoidei) 4:168, 173–175, 183, 186, 191, 430

Hypocapnia 5:245

Hypocentrum (see Intercentrum)

Hypochiasmatic cartilage 2:7–8; 9:10

Hypochoanal cartilage 11:140, 142, 157, 160, 163, 165–167, 169, 171, 173, 176–177, 182, 202


dentition 1:133

urinogenital system 6:3, 7–8, 18–19


foramen(ina) 2:202; 4:205, 211, 214, 217, 219, 221, 224, 226, 250, 255–257; 11:12, 14–15, 22, 29, 41–44, 46, 54–55, 66, 74, 76, 93–94, 98–99, 106, 109, 117, 119, 136–140, 151, 153, 159–160, 166, 170, 173–174, 198, 206, 209, 211, 213, 218, 224, 231, 233, 238; 20:10, 33, 72, 89, 128, 226, 234, 361, 567

musculature 4:166–173, 183, 188–191

nerve 2:197; 3:112–113; 4:168, 174, 176, 226; 11:3, 12, 14–15, 22, 28–29, 98–99, 109, 112, 198, 364

Hypoglossum 4:154, 159–161, 170–177; 11:215, 226

Hypoglycemia 3:23; 13:81; 19:511

Hypohyal (see also Cornu hyale) 4:427; 11:24, 40, 42, 46, 79, 98, 110, 123, 134, 183, 196

Hypokinesis 20:25, 55–57, 78, 81, 94, 118, 130, 137, 146, 160, 168, 176, 188, 200, 210, 219, 228, 266, 268, 278, 283, 287–288

Hypometabolic 19:466

Hypo-osmotic urine 5:451, 474–477

Hypo-ovaries 15:254, 256

Hypoperilymphatic canal 11:213–214, 222

Hypophase 19:352


canal 3:159

cleft 3:140, 142, 144, 160–161, 167, 172, 174–175, 188, 193

diverticulum 14:681, 683–686, 691, 693–697, 705–706, 715

portal system 3:140, 158–159, 163–165; 15:706–707, 714

pouch 14:686–688, 693–694, 697, 702–705, 715

stalk 14:683, 685, 688, 694, 697, 698–699, 702–703, 714–715

Hypophysectomy 3:23, 27, 38, 202, 212–213, 221, 309–311; 5:461, 471, 476; 6:44, 80, 100–102, 115–116; 14:64, 545, 578–579, 584

effects on genital ducts 15:246–247

effects on gestation 15:286–287

effects on pregnancy 15:581

effects on sexual development 15:151, 246–247

effects on tail regeneration 15:383


fenestra (see also Pituitary fenestra) 4:249–250, 252

fossa 4:224, 228; 20:7, 25–27, 30, 192, 195, 206, 246, 248; 21:530, 533

-gonadal axis 13:217–220

Hypophysiotropic factor 17:590

Hypophysis (see also Pituitary) 9:2, 18, 20, 23, 34, 176, 178; 10:134, 250; 14:433–434, 515, 683; 15:247, 260, 282

Hypoplastron 1:320, 330–331, 333; 3:203; 14:313

Hypoprothrombinemia 8:495

Hypoptophis 19:220

wilsoni 19:195

Hyporhina 9:78; 21:685–687

antiqua 21:687

galbreathi 21:687

tertia 21:687

Hyposome 1:201–202; 11:356

Hyposphene 1:207

Hypotension 8:439, 476, 483, 485

Hypothalamic-hypophysial portal system 6:117; 17:590, 603, 609, 680

-neurohypophyseal complex 3:136–142

-neurophypophyseal tract 3:137, 142, 163

neurosecretory cells 5:461

temperature 5:317

Hypothalamus (see also Nucleus) 2:279, 297; 3:135, 164; 5:310–311, 316; 6:84, 103, 117; 9:221–223, 229–230, 241; 10:35, 45, 178, 248, 250, 253, 259, 263, 265–266, 276, 279, 282, 308–309, 326; 12:215, 219, 223, 226–230, 247, 255; 14:346, 681, 700, 716; 15:384; 17:548, 597, 602, 637; 18:35, 42, 47–48, 97, 99, 102, 317, 345, 445–446

anterior 10:303; 18:35, 42, 391

arcuate 17:616, 620, 656

-hypophysial axis 13:62, 217, 219

immunoreactive gonadotropin releasing

hormone 18:47

lateral area 10:178, 270

periarcuate 17:679

periventricular 17:621, 656, 679

preotic 17:602–603, 605, 608, 621, 650, 680

releasing factor 18:47

supramammillary 17:647

tuberal 17:616

Hypothermia 5:24; 12:65, 170–171, 227, 241, 350–351; 13:55

Hypothermy 19:486

Hypotheses, reptiles as a source 18:12

Hypothyroidism 5:198

Hypoventilation 5:230, 240; 19:462

Hypoxanthin 18:305

Hypoxemia 19:46

Hypoxia 3:38; 5:47–49, 191, 193, 198, 242–243, 245, 255, 259, 266, 277, 292, 304, 318, 320–321; 12:245–246, 251; 13:24, 27, 72, 85; 15:592–593; 16:527; 19:46, 301–304, 310–312, 317–320, 455, 461–462

Hypoxic animals 5:305

drive 5:243

environments 5:183

glycolytic blockade 5:320–321

Hypselosaurus 12:289

urinogenital system 6:114

Hypsiglena 7:501; 8:610, 692; 12:128; 15:341; 16:119, 146, 206, 239; 17:12, 215; 19:229

ear 2:272

eye 2:55, 63, 84

ochrorhyncha 20:651

torquata 19:135, 207

Hypsilophodontidae, dentition 1:187–188


godeffroyi 20:96, 294

modestus 20:305

Hypsirhina 20:630

axial skeleton 1:287

Hypsirhynchus 19:226

ferox 19:207

Hysteresis 5:29, 312; 19:48


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